Timber construction Bammer
Scharnstein, Oberösterreich, Österreich

- All weather
We admit it is fun - we work with the most natural building material in the world!
We mainly use the following types of wood:
- Spruce
- Fir
- Larch
- Oak
Closing day
- Saturday
- Sunday
- All weather
Please get in touch for more information.
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 6642 106636
E-Mail office@holzbau-bammer.at
Web www.holzbau-bammer.at
Contact person
Franz Bammer
Holzbau Bammer GmbH
Obersperr 11
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 6642 106636
E-Mail office@holzbau-bammer.at
Web www.holzbau-bammer.at
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