Wohnmobilstellplatz Fürnhammer
Bad Zell, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- pets allowed
Number of rooms/beds, maximum occupancy
- Number of rooms: 3
- Number of beds: 12
- Camper site
- Small campsite
Further information about the camping grounds
- More densely landscaped
- Type of earth: Meadow / grass / lawn
General equipment
- Grills / BBQ
- Homemade products
City tax
€ 2,40
Payment methods
Other payment methods
Cash payment
- Without board
- Pets allowed
Please get in touch for more information.
4283 Bad Zell
mobile +43 664 4344904
E-Mail gudrun.fuernhammer@nmsbadzell.at
Contact person
Mrs Gudrun Fürnhammer
Brawinkl 24
4283 Bad Zell
mobile +43 664 4344904
E-Mail gudrun.fuernhammer@nmsbadzell.at
Legal contact information
Gudrun FürnhammerBrawinkl 24
AT-4283 Bad Zell
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