Zeltplatz Linz-Pleschingersee, La Riva Günes KG

Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Accommodation Booking
Check availability
  • pets allowed
  • Suitable for families

This campsite offers space for approx. 30 tents, and also has sanitary facilities with a lounge, WC and shower facilities, as well as a well-stocked drinks machine, so that nothing is left to be desired. Only for tents!
Number of rooms/beds, maximum occupancy
  • Number of rooms: 30
  • Number of beds: 80
Further information about the camping grounds
  • More densely landscaped
  • Type of earth: Meadow / grass / lawn
  • Illuminated area
camping facility
  • sink
  • hot water
  • washbasin
  • Flush Toilets


  • restaurant


  • Playground (outdoors)

Sport and recreational facilities

  • Ping-pong table
General price information

Average price: €18 for 2 adults/child incl. electricity and local tax in high season.
Credit card payment possible: yes
Reservation fee: 0.0

City tax

€ 2,40

  • Without board
Accessibility / arrival

Approx. 5 km from the centre of Linz; A7 motorway exit "Dornach". Turn right at the traffic lights, right again at the next traffic lights and then follow the road around the lake.
Sea level: 264.0 m

  • Parking space: 1
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Pets allowed
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for families
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
Other special suitabilities

young people,

Please get in touch for more information.


Zeltplatz Linz-Pleschingersee, La Riva Günes KG
Seeweg 11
4040 Linz

Phone +43 732 245607
E-Mail s.lariva@lariva.at
Web https//www.facebook.com/Splesch

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Visit us on Facebook
Contact person
Sezgin Günes
La Riva Günes KG
Seeweg 11
4040 Linz

Phone +43 732 245607
E-Mail s.lariva@lariva.at
Web https//www.facebook.com/Splesch

Legal contact information

La Riva Günes KG
Sezgin Günes
Seeweg 11
AT-4040 Linz

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