Salzkammergut Biker Pumptrack Scharnstein

Since September 2024, Scharnstein in the Traunsee-Almtal region has been richer by one sporting attraction.
In recent weeks, the company ALLIANCE ASE from Kirchdorf an der Krems has built a pump track in the Pürstermühle, in the area of the leisure centre on the Alm, on behalf of the Lauf-Rad-Club Pedalritter Almtal.
A pump track is a circuit with waves and steep bends. The track is called PUMPtrack because you don't have to pedal or dive. Speed is built up by pulling and pushing over hills and dips. This trains strength, coordination and endurance at the same time and in a fun way. To save costs, the members of the LRC Almtal and the CAOS crew have already spent several hundred hours helping with the construction.
For example, 117 tonnes of asphalt were laid by hand. They also applied the humus layer and sowed the grass themselves. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the helpers who worked on this project free of charge. Special thanks to the ladies who always provide us with snacks, coffee and cake. We deliberately opted for an asphalt surface because it is more durable, easier to maintain and more versatile, meaning that anything with wheels can ride on it: Bicycles, scooters, inline skates, skateboards and even balance bikes. In addition, there is no rolling noise. The pump track facility in Scharnstein consists of two main areas: an all-round pump track with a children's or beginners' circuit and a jump line. The children's circuit is specially designed for small children and beginners to gain their first experience.
The all-round pump track is great fun for youngsters and experienced riders alike. An optional branch-off to the jump line, consisting of three jumps in a row, provides additional thrills and makes the track particularly interesting for professionals. It was important to us right from the start that we build a track for both the youngest riders and the pros, which we have succeeded in doing according to the initial feedback. Our pump track is already one of the best in Austria. Pump tracks not only promote the desire to exercise, but also social cohesion in a community. The facility has already become a popular meeting place in the first few days, where people of different ages and backgrounds come together to have fun and make new friends.
The cost of the facility is around €150,000. As this is a Leader project, 60% of this will be covered by the state, federal government and the EU. The rest has to be financed by the LRC Almtal and the market town of Scharnstein with the help of sponsors, such as the Scharnstein local committee of the Traunsee-Almtal tourism association. A big thank you goes to all sponsors who have made it possible for us to realise this project.
A great deal has already been achieved in the last few weeks, but there is still some work ahead of us. For example, the outer embankments still need to be landscaped, where a wild shrub hedge will then be planted. A fence will be erected to separate it from the cycle path. A rubbish collection box will be installed to keep the pump track clean. A drinking fountain will be installed to cool off on hot days. In addition, a container will be set up in which the tools required to maintain the facility can be stored, as well as bandages for minor injuries. The large sponsor board will then be placed on top of the container.
We hope to complete all this work this year so that we can officially open the Salzkammergut Biker Pumptrack with a big celebration in autumn. The invitation will of course be published as soon as the date is finalised.
The pump track is open to the public from 09:00 to 20:00 and can be used free of charge.
How to get to the Almtal (to Viechtwang or Scharnstein im Almtal):
We recommend travelling by public transport!
by train:
from Wels railway station, take the Almtalbahn (line 153) in the direction of Grünau im Almtal to the Viechtwang stop; numerous connections from Wels railway station to the main trains on the Westbahn line in the direction of Linz or Salzburg (line 101)
by bus:
OÖVV bus route 533 Gmunden - Scharntein - Grünau - Almsee; bus stop Viechtwang Museumstraße
with the Salzkammerut Shuttle Service Route 52 from Laakirchen to the Viechtwang/Almcamp Schatzlmühle station, or from Vorchdorf with the Salzkammergut Shuttle Service Route 70, please call the taxi centre at least 1 hour in advance on 050-422 422 or order on the otaxi app.
Travelling by bike:
Coming from Wels or Linz on the R 4 Traunradweg or R6 Römerradweg, or from Gmunden R 4 Traunradweg or from Passau via Vöcklabruck and Schwanenstadt on the R 6 Römerradweg to Lambach, via the Traunkraftwerk Lambach and to Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting in the direction of Vorchdorf Einsiedling. Continue via the cycle connection briefly onto the R 13 Traunviertlerradweg to the R 11 Almtalradweg via Pettenbach to Viechtwang. After the railway stop, cross the level crossing and turn right before the Almbrücke bridge towards the sports field, past the sports field is the Pump Track.
The cycle connection on the Traunviertel Tour from Gmunden via St. Konrad and Scharnstein to Viechtwang is also easily possible.
By car:
West motorway A1: Vienna - Voralpenkreuz-A9 - exit Ried/Tr. - Voitsdorf - Pettenbach - Scharnstein Inntal motorway A8 Passau - Wels - Voralpenkreuz A9 - WestautobahnA1: Munich - Salzburg - Regau - Gmunden - Scharnstein - Scharnstein - Viechtwang junction - Viechtwang stop or car park at Scharnstein sports ground
Please only use the designated car parks and show consideration for private property! Thank you for your fairness! Please show consideration for private property, works traffic, company exits and railway premises. Thank you very much!
- Biking
- other recreational sports: Funpark, BMX
Please get in touch for more information.
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 680 2348512
Contact person
Salzkammergut Biker Pumptrack
Sportplatzstraße 13
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 680 2348512