Kulturvilla Vorchdorf

- All weather
an associated project of the European Capital of Culture Bad Ischl & the Salzkammergut 2024!
Additional Information:
Infopoint on working days
Tuesday from 11:00 - 13:00
Thursday from 10:00 - 12:00
Friday from 14:00 - 16:00
Further opening hours according to the event calendar
Beginning of July in the Kulturvilla!
1 July - 6 pm - SUMMER YOGA
3 July - 19:00 - WOMEN WALK
4.7. - 7 pm - IMPROTHEATRE
12 July - 7 pm - WORT:NETZ
- Monday
- Wednesday
- Saturday
- Sunday
How to get to the Kulturvilla in Vorchdorf in the Traunsee-Almtal region:
We recommend travelling by public transport!
by train:
via Wels station to Lambach station, with the Vorchdorferbahn (line 160) or from Gmunden with the Traunsee Tram (line 161) of Stern & Hafferl Bahnen to Vorchdorf Eggenberg station. Numerous connections from Wels railway station to the main trains on the Westbahn line (line 101) or via Gmunden to the Salzkammergutbahn in the direction of Bad Ischl, Hallstatt and Bad Aussee
by bus: OÖVV bus routes 481 from Kirchdorf to Vorchdorf or 501 from Wels to Vorchdorf railway station
with the Salzkammergut Shuttle Service Route 70 from Scharnstein station via Pettenbach Vorchdorf or from Almspitz on Route 80 to the station stop, call the taxi centre at least 1 hour in advance on 050-422 422 or order on the otaxi app.
The railway station is only a 3-minute walk away
Bike & Hike, travelling by bike:
Coming from Wels or Linz on the R 4 Traunradweg or R6 Römerradweg, or from Gmunden R 4 Traunradweg or from Passau via Vöcklabruck and Schwanenstadt on the R 6 Römerradweg to Lambach, via the Traunkraftwerk Lambach and then via Bad Wimsbach-Neydharting to Vorchdorf. Also via the cycle connection from the R 11 Almtalradweg from Almsee via Pettenbach, briefly onto the R 13 Traunviertlerradweg to Einsiedlung and then to Vorchdorf.
From Gmunden via Gschwandt to Kirchham, from Laakirchen on the R 13 Traunviertlerradweg to Kirchham, then along the Traunsee Tram in the direction of Vorchdorf.
by car:
West motorway A1: Vienna - Voralpenkreuz-A1 - exit A1 Vorchdorf
Western motorway A1: Munich - Salzburg - exit A1 Vorchdorf
Innkreis motorway A8 Passau - Wels - Voralpenkreuz A1 - exit A1 Vorchdorf
Coming from Gmunden on the country road towards the centre of Vorchdorf, Bahnhofstraße.
Parking is available in the town centre next to the Kulturvilla at the Kitzmantelfabrik event area and at Vorchdorf railway station. Please only use the designated car parks and show consideration for private property!
Thank you for your fairness!
- All weather
- Suitable for teenagers
- Suitable for seniors
- Suitable for friends
- Suitable for couples
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
4655 Vorchdorf
Phone +43 664 3066066
E-Mail hallo@kulturvilla.at
Web www.kulturvilla.at
Contact person
Kulturvilla Vorchdorf
Bahnhofstraße 13
4655 Vorchdorf
Phone +43 664 3066066
E-Mail hallo@kulturvilla.at
Web www.kulturvilla.at