OSOGO, Obst-Sorten-Garten Ohlsdorf
Ohlsdorf, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Europe's largest fruit variety garden "OSOGO" is in Ohlsdorf. It can be visited free of charge all year round, except during the winter months. The fruit variety garden aims to preserve and disseminate rare fruit varieties. Admission is free.
OSOGO is open to the public all year round and free of charge!
Please get in touch for more information.
4694 Ohlsdorf
Phone +43 7612 71877
E-Mail osogo@gmx.at
Web www.OSOGO.at
Contact person
Klaus und Gabi Strasser
Holzhäuseln 19
4694 Ohlsdorf
Phone +43 7612 71877
E-Mail osogo@gmx.at
Web www.OSOGO.at
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