Ziegenhof Haghofer
Waldburg, Oberösterreich, Österreich

- All weather
Goat's milk production in harmony with nature - the Sollberger family introduces itself
In the Mühlviertel, more precisely in Waldburg at 695 metres above sea level, lies the organic goat's milk farm of the Sollberger vulgo Haghofer family. Part of the milk is processed by Margit into cheese and curd cheese and sold on the farm, as well as goat's milk, sausage products and meat from organic Duroc pigs.Michael farms 33 hectares (21 hectares of grassland and 12 hectares of arable land) on a full-time basis. He is supported by his wife Margit and his parents. In 2015, they switched from suckler cow husbandry to dairy goat husbandry: "It was clear to us that we wanted to run our farm as a full-time business, and the expiring suckler cow premium made it easier for us to make the switch," laughs Michael. We have always been fascinated by dairy goats, which is why we are currently milking 110 gemsbok-coloured mountain goats. However, Michael could not completely part with the suckler cows; two cows have the honourable task of utilising "the goats' bits of decency". In addition, organic Duroc pigs (1 breeding sow + offspring) and chickens are kept on the farm for their own consumption as well as for direct marketing.
If you are interested in meat, you can also put your name on the order list.
- by arrangement
- Registration required
- Price on request
- All weather
Please get in touch for more information.
4240 Waldburg
mobile +43 650 4107405
E-Mail info@ziegenhofhaghofer.at
Contact person
Mr Michael Sollberger
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