OÖ: Münzverein Wels Ortsgruppe Vöcklabruck
Wels, Oberösterreich, Österreich

"Collectors are happy people" said Goethe, himself a famous coin collector.
Around 200 passionate collectors have formed the Upper Austrian Coin Collectors' Association in Wels for 50 years.
In addition to the joy of collecting objects, the aim and task of the association is to preserve and promote the centuries-old culture of collecting.
Our activities are
- 7 club evenings per month
- 2 annual fairs in the town hall of Wels
- Annual club outing
- Annually 2 specialised lectures on
- Coins of many epochs
- Shares, postcards
- banknotes, stamps
- Fountain pens, pictures of saints
- Local history, medals
- Emergency money, medals
- clocks and watches
- securities and much more.
Please get in touch for more information.
4600 Wels
Phone +43 664 4578923
Web www.muenzvereinwels.at
Contact person
Franz Bindl
Eferdingerstraße 134C
4600 Wels
Phone +43 664 4578923
Web www.muenzvereinwels.at
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