Wüdian - Spezialitäten von Wildschwein, Hirsch und Reh

Weitersfelden, Oberösterreich, Österreich

The Wüdian is genuine and wild. It combines a passion for nature, honest hunting and a love of natural foods.
But first and foremost, Wüdian is an unmistakable flavour experience. Game products of superlatives. Tender and flavourful. From nature, from the forest. Honest, earthy, with rough edges. Just like life itself.

There is NO SALE at the company headquarters in Weitersfelden, Wüdian is available in the ONLINESHOP or in retail stores, see the list below.

  • mük in Freistadt
  • Grünhilde in Tragwein
  • Unimarkt
  • Strasser market
  • Maxi market
  • Spar
  • Billa Plus

Wild animals still have truly natural habitats in Upper and Lower Austria. Without fences and without restrictions, without ready-made feed and without antibiotics. There is no question of organic, because we don't know what the animals eat. Everything that nature provides - pure nature, in other words.

The wild boar, deer and roe deer that we process have grown up in their natural environment and therefore have an unrestricted, species-appropriate life.

The natural food intake and the stress-free lifestyle are the best prerequisites for high meat quality, which in turn is a prerequisite for Wüdian products. Processing is carried out according to the highest quality and hygiene standards. As uncompromising as the life of the wild animals themselves.

Closing day
  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • holiday
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
General price information

Bacon & sausage from € 7,-

  • Price on request
  • Genussland Oberösterreich – Land of Flavours
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Wüdian - Spezialitäten von Wildschwein, Hirsch und Reh
Weitersfelden 90
4272 Weitersfelden

Phone +43 7952 20010
mobile +43 664 1590222
E-Mail office@wuedian.at
Web www.wuedian.at/

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Contact person
Mr Daniel Hold

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