Energie AG Oberösterreich / PowerTower
Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich

The PowerTower is one of the world's first office towers with a passive house character. The building houses the new corporate headquarters of Energie AG Oberösterreich.
The Power Tower is a passive building, which means that it does not need to be connected to the district heating network and does not require fossil fuels such as natural gas, heating oil or similar. Compared to other high-rise buildings, its CO2 emissions are around 300 tonnes lower per year. The energy supply for the 74 metre high office tower in Linz's railway station district is ensured by a complex system in which traditional technologies are applied in a new way. Due to its highly efficient construction in terms of air conditioning and its high energy efficiency, the tower has been very prominent in the Austrian and European media since its opening in September 2008 and has also attracted a great deal of interest from international clients.Contact
4020 Linz
E-Mail presse@energieag.at
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