Mühlholz - ab Hof Verkauf Bio-Hühnerfutter, Bio-Wildmastküken, Hochbeet und Erde aus eigener Kompostanlage

- pets allowed
- All weather
A piece of land in the Mühlviertel, a farm with chickens, a workshop and a composting plant. This is what the "Mühlholz" production facility looks like. Chicken feed of the best organic quality is produced here. The farm is managed by Ines and Johannes Mittermair with clear ideas and conscious steps.
For a responsible life with nature.
In addition to farming with pedigree chicken breeding and composting, the young company has been offering organic chicken feed since summer 2020: organic chick starter, organic pullet feed, organic laying hen feed, organic grain mix and organic poultry feed. The range is constantly being expanded with products that are needed for and by chickens. The products that are added to the range are thoroughly tested in advance by the company's own hens.
The farm is home to a wide variety of chicken breeds in all colours and sizes: Sulmtaler, Ayam Cemani, Araucana, Mooshühner, Marans, Dwarf Paduan and many more. According to the motto: spaciousness inside and outside, open-air conservatory, laying nests with fragrant herbal hay and organic, species-appropriate feed. Ines Mittermair: "Of course we could keep as many chickens as possible in as little space as possible. But we don't want to. And the chickens certainly don't."
Apart from vegetable gardens, chickens are probably the easiest way to provide yourself with food - they are therefore probably the most useful pets - they also become very trusting when given the right amount of attention.
"We support chicken farmers with tried-and-tested, species-appropriate feed and chicken-related products. For all those who do not have the opportunity to keep chickens themselves, we will be offering table eggs from the farm from spring 2021 (quantity limited)", say the chicken farmers.
The organic chicken feed is available from the farm every Saturday from 9.00 to 11.00 a.m. or by appointment by telephone. Since winter 2020, this can also be ordered online via the homepage www.muehlholz.at
- by arrangement
- All weather
- Pets allowed
Please get in touch for more information.
4184 Vorderweißenbach
mobile +43 660 1372727
E-Mail info@muehlholz.at
Web www.muehlholz.at/
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Ines & Johannes Mittermair
Mühlholz. Hof und Handel e.U.
Legal contact information
Mühlholz - ab Hof VerkaufMühlholz 13
AT-4184 Vorderweißenbach