railway stop Viechtwang

- All weather
All important and useful information about the train station / stop can be found here (enter the desired station on the page)
There you will find all important and useful information about the stations such as address, opening times, parking options, locations of the ticket machines, luggage storage facilities (lockers) and other equipment.
- ÖBB - timetable information (Scotty)
- ÖBB - SCOTTY mobil
- ÖBB - construction site information (planned construction sites / rail replacement services)
- Timetable pictures (in pdf format to download)
Hiking paths:
The Grünau train station in the Almtal is located directly on the Almuferweg and offers a suitable entry point for the long-distance hiking trail "Genuss am Almfluss", which leads a total of 52 km through the fascinating landscape of the Almtal. Along the way you can look forward to relaxing moments on the banks of the Alm, over 50 information boards, four "Almwelle loungers" and numerous restaurants that will pamper you with regional delicacies.
You can find opening hours here (please fill in the desired station on the page)
- All weather
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 5 1717
Web www.oebb.at/kontak
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Bahnhaltestelle Viechtwang
Viechtwang 2
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 5 1717
Web www.oebb.at/kontak