Europaschutzgebiet Böhmerwald und Mühltäler

Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich

The "Bohemian Forest and Mühl Valleys" European nature reserve is located in the far north of Upper Austria. As the name suggests, the protected area consists on the one hand of parts of the "High Bohemian Forest" with its characteristic mountain ranges, and on the other hand of a section of the valley of the Große Mühl and the Kleine Mühl.

The Bohemian Forest is the largest contiguous forest area in Central Europe, stretching from the Bavarian Forest to the Czech Sumava. The Große Mühl and Kleine Mühl are important river systems in the region and directly adjoin it. The Große Mühl from the Bavarian border at Michlegg downstream to Haslach is part of the European nature reserve. The riparian vegetation, the neighbouring meadows and cultivated landscape as well as some tributaries are also included in the protected area. Between Julbach and Auerbach, the Kleine Mühl is also part of the European nature reserve. This region - with a well-developed and signposted network of cycling and hiking trails, it is easily accessible for those seeking recreation and nature observers - is an important refuge for rare animals such as the lynx, primarily due to the extensive and cross-border forests. The rivers are home to otters and beavers as well as the extremely rare freshwater pearl mussel and lamprey. Various species of bat also take to the skies of the Šumava at night. Natural gems can also be found here again and again, rare habitats such as raised bogs, fescue moors, alluvial and bog forests, moor grasslands and lean meadows.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.


Europaschutzgebiet Böhmerwald und Mühltäler
Landhausplatz 1
4021 Linz

Phone +43 732 7720 - 0

Contact person

Amt der Oö. Landesregierung
Landhausplatz 1, 4021

Phone +43 732 7720 - 0

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