Fam. Fraunberger, Permanent Elementarreich(e) Landwirtschaft

Prambachkirchen, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Various permaculture systems, such as a keyhole garden, large herb spiral with biotope, spiral vineyard.

Lunch from 25 people (if vegetarian lunch or snack is required, please book in advance)

Visits are possible at any time, except when seminars are being held.

Advance booking required!

Cost per bus: Euro 250,--

Per person Euro 10,--

Seminar centre

Our seminar centre has 2 seminar rooms. Both seminar rooms have daylight and are built with high-quality, fully organic materials. They also have all the technical equipment you need for a successful seminar.

The wonderfully quiet location is invaluable, and in the large house garden you will find enough space to relax and unwind.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Fam. Fraunberger, Permanent Elementarreich(e) Landwirtschaft
Uttenthal 3
4731 Prambachkirchen

Phone +43 7277 2956
Web www.permakulturhof.com

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