Poor Sinner's Chapel

Neufelden, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)

Poor Sinner's Chapel in Neufelden in the Böhmerwald holiday region.

A place steeped in drama and history.

In this chapel, the delinquents were allowed to offer a last prayer in the presence of a priest before they were led to the nearby Gallows Hill for execution.

The chapel is located on the "Alter Berg" - part of the "Via Regia", which coming from the Danube, crossing today's main road in Neufelden, then running along the current reservoir (Langhalsen) - was an important traffic artery to the north.

Normally open all year round.

  • open to the public

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
General price information

Freely accessible.

  • Free entry
  • Suitable for kids (all ages)
  • Suitable for children

Please get in touch for more information.


Poor Sinner's Chapel
Markt 22
4120 Neufelden

Phone +43 7282 6255 - 0
E-Mail gemeinde@neufelden.ooe.gv.at
Web www.neufelden.at

Contact person

Markt 22
4120 Neufelden

Phone +43 7282 6255 - 0
E-Mail gemeinde@neufelden.ooe.gv.at
Web www.neufelden.at

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