Animal clinic Vorchdorf

Vorchdorf, Oberösterreich, Österreich
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The animal clinic in Vorchdorf offers you veterinary service for everything to do with dogs, cats and other pets in Vorchdorf.

The practice was founded in 1980 by Dr Karl Blank-Landeshammer. 2012 by Dr. Charlotte Sontas taken over and restructured in July 2015 into the animal clinic Vorchdorf Sontas & Sontas OG.

The animal clinic in Vorchdorf was the first small animal practice in Vorchdorf. Our entire team at the animal clinic in Vorchdorf has spent their lives with animals. We know that everyone is their own individual with personality and a family member. That is why we offer you a high standard, personal and comprehensive veterinary care for your animal.

The animal clinic in Vorchdorf has a large selection of state-of-the-art equipment - we offer you a wide range of services for everything to do with small animals. Most of our patients are cared for in the practice, but a home visit is of course also possible on request.

Monday to Friday from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 16:30 to 19:00 In emergencies and by telephone appointment, we are also available at weekends.

We are also there for you on weekends for emergencies and by appointment by telephone.        

Closing day
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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Please get in touch for more information.


Animal clinic Vorchdorf
Neue Landstr. 1
4655 Vorchdorf

Phone +43 699 12126409

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Contact person

Tierambulanz Vorchdorf Sontas & Sontas OG
Neue Landstr. 1
4655 Vorchdorf

Phone +43 699 12126409

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