church choir Viechtwang

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Church music in the Viechtwang parish traditionally has a high priority. The broad repertoire of the choir includes Gregorian chants and Latin masses by great masters as well as moths from various stylistic epochs.
Already in the years around 1750 there are clues in the chronicle of the Viechtwang parish for the existence of a church choir which, as an entry confirms, was accompanied at a church festival "... by trumpets and timpani ...". However, since an organ for the parish church was commissioned as early as 1683, it can be assumed that there was music and singing in the church much earlier.
However, there are only reliable records of members and choir directors from the time shortly before World War II. The main work of the choir consists in the solemn organization of the church festivals. Supported by the orchestra and organ, sacred works such as the coronation mass by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart or parts from the Christmas Oratorio and the B minor mass by Johann Sebastian Bach can be heard in the service.
Also modern music, among others. by John Rutter and Morten Lauridson is an integral part of the varied repertoire. The joy of singing is not neglected at events outside of the church either. An outstanding event was the support of the choir in the world premiere of the operetta "Cilli and the Black Count".
Martin Kaltenbrunner has been the musical director of the church choir since 2011. He followed Dietmar Derschmidt's 43-year career.
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Please get in touch for more information.
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 650 3403291
mobile +43 7615 30532
Contact person
Nikolaus Krasanovsky
Kirchenchor Viechtwang
Badstraße 4
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 650 3403291
mobile +43 7615 30532