Local heating Vorchdorf
Vorchdorf, Oberösterreich, Österreich

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Local heating is a line-based form of energy for heat supply. In addition to great convenience for the customer, it also offers significant advantages for our descendants and our environment.
The environmentally friendly and inexpensive alternative to fossil energy is called biomass. If heat is generated from renewable energy sources, the environment also benefits. When used sustainably, biomass is CO2-neutral. This means that only as much carbon dioxide is released as a plant has absorbed from the atmosphere during growth. Local heating from biomass is a line-based form of energy for heat supply, it offers significant advantages for our environment and great convenience for consumers. Audioguide from Nahwärme Vorchdorf about the project "Xplore Energy Traunstein Region" - erlebniswege.klima.energie Also available via the XIBIT appIf you have any questions, please contact us. We're here to help!
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Please get in touch for more information.
4655 Vorchdorf
Phone +43 7614 51305
E-Mail office@nahwaerme-vorchdorf.at
Web www.nahwaerme-vorchdorf.at/
Contact person
Nahwärme Vorchdorf
Dr. Mitterbauer Straße 2
4655 Vorchdorf
Phone +43 7614 51305
E-Mail office@nahwaerme-vorchdorf.at
Web www.nahwaerme-vorchdorf.at/
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