Fairteiler Scharnstein

Scharnstein, Oberösterreich, Österreich
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The association was founded in the winter of 2013 and now has around 100 active members who not only buy food, but also play an active role in shaping the association.

Fairteiler Scharnstein is a food cooperative for the common good. This is an association of citizens with the aim of sourcing regional food from small and micro-enterprises. and micro-enterprises whose economic existence often depends on direct marketing. Through the association, members can order products from farmers and other producers. producers. On a regular basis, the association provides a room where the food can be picked up once a week, i.e. fairly divided. Audio guide from Fairteiler Scharnstein about the project "Xplore Energy Traunsteinregion" - erlebniswege.klima.energie Also available via the XIBIT app
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Please get in touch for more information.


Fairteiler Scharnstein
Mühldorf 18
4644 Scharnstein

Phone +43 650 4155570
E-Mail fairteilerscharnstein@gmail.com
Web www.fairteiler-scharnstein.at/

Contact person

Fairteiler Scharnstein
Mühldorf 18
4644 Scharnstein

Phone +43 650 4155570
E-Mail fairteilerscharnstein@gmail.com
Web www.fairteiler-scharnstein.at/

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