Herzogreitherfelsen in St. Leonhard
St. Leonhard bei Freistadt, Oberösterreich, Österreich

The Herzogreitherfelsen rock on the Herzogreitherberg, on whose summit a wooden castle is said to have once stood, is visible from afar. It is thought to have served as protection for the population in times of war. Some of the repositories for piles and palisades are still recognisable, as well as a few sacrificial bowls that suggest cultural activities.
The cross on the Herzogreitherfelsen rock was erected by a farmer in gratitude for the fact that his wife miraculously survived a fall during logging work by hanging almost unharmed from the branch of a tree.
The cross on the Herzogreitherfelsen rock was erected by a farmer in gratitude for the fact that his wife miraculously survived a fall during logging work by hanging almost unharmed from the branch of a tree.
The Herzogreitherfelsen can be visited at any time.
- open to the public
Accessibility / arrival
The Herzogreitherfelsen can be reached on foot via the cultural hiking trail no. 06.
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
Please get in touch for more information.
4294 St. Leonhard bei Freistadt
Phone +43 7952 8255
E-Mail gemeinde@st-leonhard.ooe.gv.at
Web www.stleonhard.at
Contact person
Marktgemeindeamt St. Leonhard b.Fr.
4294 St. Leonhard bei Freistadt
Phone +43 7952 8255
Fax machine +43 7952 8255 - 9
E-Mail gemeinde@st-leonhard.ooe.gv.at
Web www.stleonhard.at
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