Sacred heart tree engraving

St. Gilgen, Salzburg, Österreich

Years ago, a trinity image was attached to the tree. Steep down here in the ditch.

The farmers were aware that this was a particularly dangerous place for timber harvesting. By attaching the tree picture, they linked the request for God's protection in the dangerous work.

In 1994, the image of the weather was so damaged that it had to be renewed. Since no suitable Dreifaltigkeitsbild could be procured, Josef Wiener, Kienberger, had the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Ms. Sams still remembers that the picture was adorned every year to Almabtrieb particularly beautiful. It was a sign of thanks for a good summer.
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Please get in touch for more information.


Sacred heart tree engraving
Forststraße zur Eisenaualm
5310 St. Gilgen

Phone +43 6232 4166

Contact person

Pfarre Mondsee
Kirchengasse 1
5310 Mondsee am Mondsee

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