Bungart picture of the virgin Mary
Tiefgraben am Mondsee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Das Marienbild am Baum neben dem Haus Irrseeweg 21 ist eine Nachbildung der Cranach-Madonna.
The Picture of the virgin Mary is located on a tree next to a house at the Irrseeweg 21. It's a replica of the Cranach-Madonna
It had already existed, when the Family Bungart moved in. No one could say when and why it was pu on that tree. Mrs Bungart looks after the Picture and the Flowers.
The Picture of the virgin Mary is located on a tree next to a house at the Irrseeweg 21. It's a replica of the Cranach-Madonna
It had already existed, when the Family Bungart moved in. No one could say when and why it was pu on that tree. Mrs Bungart looks after the Picture and the Flowers.
Please get in touch for more information.
5310 Tiefgraben am Mondsee
Phone +43 6232 4166
E-Mail info@ortedesglaubens.at
Web www.ortedesglaubens.at/mondsee
Contact person
Pfarre Mondsee
Kirchengasse 1
5310 Mondsee am Mondsee
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