Zimtsternhof Pferde- und Therapiehof

Waldburg, Oberösterreich, Österreich
  • All weather

Welcome to Zimtsternhof, the horse and therapy farm in Waldburg near Freistadt.

We offer riding therapy (curative education and therapeutic support with horses), sports vaulting, riding and many other great things in connection with our horses.
Courses and further training with well-known trainers take place regularly.
The Zimtsternhof team looks forward to every message and every visit.

On request

Accessibility / arrival

Coming from Linz:
Take the A7/S10 motorway towards Freistadt as far as the Kefermarkt exit. At the roundabout take the second exit (Galgenau/Prager Str./B310). At the next roundabout take the third exit and after 450m turn left. Follow the road and turn left towards Freistadt railway station. Follow Hirschbacherstraße for approx. 2km, then turn right onto Marreith. The destination is 1.2 km further on the right-hand side.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
Riding information
  • Horseback riding lessons
  • Riding as therapy
Specialist for
  • Horse-back riding, rides
  • Specialist for riding camps for children
  • Groundwork This includes issues such as circus lessons Naturalhorseman Ship, Parelli, clicker training, …
  • Riding arena
  • Riding
  • Toilet facility
  • Courses
General price information

Preisinformationen auf Anfrage.

verschiedene Angebote zu:

  • Heilpädagogische und therapeutische Förderung mit dem Pferd
  • Sportvoltigieren für Kinder ab 4 Jahren
  • Geburtstage feiern (Bei uns kann dein Kind, mit seinen Freunden, seinen Geburtstag feiern.)
  • Erlebnistage (Für Schulen und Kindergärten. Oder für Gemeinden als Ferienprogramm.)
  • Anlage mieten um selber Seminare zu veranstalten

Weitere Infos auf: www.zimtsternhof.at

Payment methods
Other payment methods
Cash payment
Advance payment
  • All weather
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for children
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Zimtsternhof Pferde- und Therapiehof
Marreith 25
4240 Waldburg

Phone +43 699 81768922
mobile +43 699 81768922
E-Mail hallo@zimtsternhof.at
Web www.zimtsternhof.at

You can also visit us on

Visit us on Facebook
Contact person
Petra Schwaiger

E-Mail bernhard@zimtsternhof.at

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