Kaufhaus Hauer
Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald, Oberösterreich, Österreich
"The local supplier" from A - Z in the middle of Schwarzenberg - in family ownership for over 100 years.
Shopping like in the good old days!
Fresh pastries can be ordered in advance every day, even on Sundays!
Grocery store - tobacco shop - ski rental - apartment
Department stores' and local supplier
Mon - Sat 7:30 am to 12:00 pm
Tue, Thu, Fri 3 to 6 pm
Mon, Wed and Sat closed in the afternoon
Closing day
- Sunday
Please get in touch for more information.
4164 Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald
Phone +43 7280 204
mobile +43 676 81424172
E-Mail info@hauer-schwarzenberg.at
Web www.hauer-schwarzenberg.at
Contact person
Kaufhaus Hauer
Hauptstraße 7
4164 Schwarzenberg am Böhmerwald
Phone +43 7280 204
mobile +43 676 81424172
E-Mail info@hauer-schwarzenberg.at
Web www.hauer-schwarzenberg.at
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