Traunkirchen, Oberösterreich, Österreich

- All weather
In Traunkirchen there are different restaurants or bars. There are also some nice hotels with professional seminar equipments. 'The Klostersaal offers a classy ambiance for all kinds of celebration.
- All weather
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
4801 Traunkirchen
Phone +43 7617 2214
Fax machine +43 7617 2214 - 4
E-Mail pfarre.traunkirchen@dioezese-linz.at
Web www.pfarre-traunkirchen.at
Contact person
Pfarramt Traunkirchen
Klosterplatz 1
4801 Traunkirchen
Phone +43 7617 2214
Fax machine +43 7617 2214 - 4
E-Mail pfarre.traunkirchen@dioezese-linz.at
Web www.pfarre-traunkirchen.at
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