navigation school Monika Loidl

Traunkirchen, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Loidl skipper school: Courses for obtaining the 10 m skipper's license for lakes and rivers and the international certificate of competence

Courses for the acquisition of the skipper's license for 10 m lakes and rivers as well as the international certificate of competence: The courses take place in the seminar room of the Hotel Post in Traunkirchen. Practice trips by arrangement - also possible before the course starts.

Course times:
Thursday: 19.00 - 22.00
Friday: 15.00 - 22.00
Saturday: 10.00 - 14.00
2 practice trips with the weatherproof training boat by arrangement

Exam day: Monday after the course weekend
Registration deadline: 7 days before the start of the course

Who needs a skipper's license for 10m lakes and rivers?
Any skipper who wants to steer a boat (combustion engine or electric drive) with a power of more than 4.4 kw (6 hp) on inland waterways.

What is taught?
The training to obtain a motorboat license consists of the following four sections:
1) Completing the formalities with the Upper Austrian state government
2) Theory course based on our script
3) Practical training trips with our training boat:
- Mooring and casting off
- Man overboard maneuvers
- Mooring at the jetty
- Knot tying
- Navigation with compass
4) Review lessons before the exam day with a list of questions

What else do I need to be able to sail at sea?
For the coastal license FB1 (sailing area 1 applies to 3 SM and for boats up to a length of 10m), the practical examination for the 10m lakes and rivers skipper's license is credited. Only a theoretical examination (multiple choice tasks + map drawing) is required. This also takes place in Traunkirchen. Information on a combined package: skipper's license 10m lakes and rivers + coastal license FB1 on +43 664 3715646

What else is there?
Our skipper school stands for high-quality training. Every participant is well prepared for the exam and receives lots of practical tips and tricks. The success of the last 10 years speaks for itself, as the failure rate is less than 1%. Our training ship is weatherproof and easy to steer.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


navigation school Monika Loidl
Seestraße 21
4801 Traunkirchen

Phone +43 7617 3261
mobile +43 664 3715646

Contact person
Iris Loidl
Schiffsführerschule Traunkirche
Seestraße 21
4801 Traunkirchen

Phone +43 7617 3261
mobile +43 664 3715646

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