Schloss Ebenzweier
Altmünster, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Already in the 13th Century reign seat. Current appearance after conversion in 1842 by former holders of Archduke Maximilian of Hapsburg domination d'Este, a grandson of Maria Theresa (burial) in the cemetery. Through inheritance, the palace became a Bourbon line. Hugues Prince Carlos de Bourbon, gave 1971 the castle town of Altmünster. Current owner: The Land of Upper Austria, which has here created a Gastgwerbe Vocational School (1986). Worth seeing is the park with botanical-offs and the Rose Garden. The mighty palace has two courtyards and is a product of extensive alteration and extensions. The front yard is surrounded by three wings of the castle is also surrounded by a broad wall, and one of the treasures of the castle. At its center stands a stone, octagonal with carved crest and trough of a stone center column. The facade of the right wing is not decorative, loosened up, however, the left through the pillars more. The two upper floors of the central section have glazed arcades. In the middle of a tall clock tower with a Simsgiebel. Impressive is the rear facade facing the lake, which has 75 windows. She also has a portico with architrave and gable, in classical Greek model. Adapted to the imposing facade of this palace is also the park that stretches down to Traunsee highway.
- by arrangement
- Can only be viewed from outside
- Suitable for schools
Please get in touch for more information.
4813 Altmünster
Phone +43 7612 88530
Contact person
Schloss Ebenzweier
Ebenzweierstrasse 23
4813 Altmünster
Phone +43 7612 88530
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