Painter Christa Dirisamer

Steyrling, Oberösterreich, Österreich
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Christa Dirisamer that in the region much appreciated painter from Steyrling is known for her paintings far beyond the district and also shows her work for several decades in galleries and at exhibitions.

Christa Dirisamer, born in the Black Forest town of Freiburg / Brg., There attended the Pestalozzischule followed by professional training in fashion. After working in Luxembourg, Switzerland and finally in England as Entwerferin. After marriage back to Luxembourg, they attended among others Art School (Prof. Nies). Since 1975 Christa Dirisamer resident with her husband in Steyrling and artistically is going its own way. Since early childhood Christa Dirisamer has maintained a love and enthusiasm for color, pen and brush and so she also has her thoughts on various topics in pictures. The strong explanatory power and color intensity to give a testimony to the outstanding artistic qualities of Christa Dirisamer and are not quite in contrast to her sunny nature. It is given Christa Dirisamer, the "essence", it was a face, a landscape or a vision to gather and present alive.

Arrange an appointment with Mrs. Dirisamer!


470 m

Accessibility / arrival

From the A9 motorway - take the Klaus exit and turn left towards Graz onto the main road. Through the village of Klaus, after approx. 2 km turn right towards Steyrling. Immediately at the welcome sign "Grüß Gott in Steyrling" turn right to the church. Immediately after the church, take the road slightly to the right in the direction of the cemetery, where Christa Dirisamer's house is just before that on the left.

Travelling by public transport
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Payment methods
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  • All weather
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn
  • Winter

Please get in touch for more information.


Painter Christa Dirisamer
Steyrling 50
4571 Steyrling

mobile +43 664 4940445

Contact person
Mrs Christa Dirisamer
Steyrling 50
4571 Steyrling

mobile +43 664 4940445

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