Municipal Windischgarsten
Windischgarsten, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- All weather
Windischgarsten is a market town and a health resort in the Austrian state of Upper Austria in the south of the district of Kirchdorf an der Krems in Traun quarter with 2417 inhabitants (main residence) and 543 inhabitants (secondary residence).
Windischgarsten is at 602 m altitude in Traun quarter, surrounded by the mountains of Hallermauern in the South (Great Pyhrgas 2,244 m), the Sengsen promontory to the north (Hoher Nock 1,963 m) at the edge of the Limestone Alps National Park and the Dead Mountains in the west (Warscheneck 2,389 meters ). Windischgarsten part of the tourism Pyhrn-Priel region and has because of its location at the supra-regional north-south road link through the Alps via good transport links - both by car via the A9 motorway and by rail on the Pyhrnbahn. The community consists of only one cadastral municipality. The extension is 3.2 km from north to south and from west to east 3 km. The total area is 4.91 km ². 36.7% of the area is forested and 40.8% of the area is used for agriculture. Data of the market town Windischgarsten: 602 m above sea level 2,348 inhabitants 4.9 km ² area communityMonday to Friday 8.00 - 11 clock
Tuesday from 14.00 - 16.00 clock
Closing day
- Saturday
- Sunday
602 m
Accessibility / arrivalThe town hall of the market town of Windischgarsten is located directly on the market square of Windischgarsten.
- All weather
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
4580 Windischgarsten
Phone +43 7562 5255 - 0
Fax machine +43 7562 5255 - 25
Contact person
Marktgemeinde Windischgarsten
Hauptstraße 5
4580 Windischgarsten
Phone +43 7562 5255 - 0
Fax machine +43 7562 5255 - 25
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