Diving Entry "Lovebridge"
Weyregg am Attersee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- All weather
The area directly in front of the meadow is relatively flat. On the ground, which is interspersed with smaller and larger stones, you will find a few plants and fish. If you dive towards the right, you will notice the area becoming gradually steeper.
If you dive off to the right, the terrain becomes increasingly steep. Directly under the bridge, at a depth of 10 metres, there is a vertical log that rises almost to the surface. A broken surfboard is tied to the top as a buoy. Behind it is a steep, muddy slope, where some tree trunks, roots and individual rocks offer some variety. At this dive site, you should watch out for the numerous sport fishermen who like to cast their fishing lines to the right and left of the entrance.Spawning protection zone - spawning area for sea lice from mid-May to the end of June. Please do not dive here during this time!
Accessibility / arrival
From Salzburg via the A1 - Seewalchen exit - continue on the B152 to Kammer or Mondsee-Unterach-Steinbach-Weyregg exit
From Vienna/Linz via the A1 - Schörfling or Seewalchen exit - continue on the B152 to Weyregg
From the west - Bad Ischl-continue on the B152-Weißenbach-Steinbach-Weyregg
- Diving / scuba
- Member of diving competence centres
- All weather
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
4852 Weyregg am Attersee
Phone +43 650 800477
E-Mail office@u-p.at
Web www.u-p.at
Web attersee-attergau.salzkammergut.at
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Under Pressure Diving Attersee
Bach 24b
4852 Weyregg am Attersee
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