Volksschule Hellmonsödt
Hellmonsödt, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- All weather
Our mission statement
- Learning in a relaxed atmosphere
- Education for independence
- Lessons should be fun for pupils and for us teachers. Achievement and enjoyment of learning should not be mutually exclusive.
- Respectful interaction with each other
- In addition to imparting knowledge, teaching values and social skills is also important to us.
- Community is encouraged through festivals, celebrations, joint activities and projects.
- Supporting lessons with modern media
- Introduction to a conscious lifestyle (nutrition, exercise, ...)
- Focus on artistic, creative and sporting activities
- All children at our school should be taught according to their level of performance and development.
- Lifelike and vividly designed lessons
- In addition to imparting knowledge, the teaching of values and social skills is also important to us:
Closing day
- Saturday
- Sunday
- holiday
- All weather
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Please get in touch for more information.
4202 Hellmonsödt
Phone +43 7215 2279 - 0
Fax machine +43 7215 2279 - 75
E-Mail s416101@lsr.eduhi.at
Web vshellmonsoedt.eduhi.at/
Contact person
Mr Direktor Johann Kern
Försterstraße 4
4202 Hellmonsödt
Phone +43 7215 2279 - 75
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