Jagerbild Chapel at Haugstein
Vichtenstein, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- pets allowed
- All weather
- Suitable for groups
- Suitable for pushchairs
- Suitable for kids (all ages)
Jagabildkapelle Haugstein
This chapel was built to commemorate the miraculous rescue of the forester of Vichtenstein Castle, who was hanged in an anthill by poachers. The Jagabild Chapel is now a district hunters' memorial. The altarpiece today shows the Mother of God with the Child, surrounded by forest flowers. Next to her kneel the hunter Greiner and the patron saint of huntsmen, St Hubertus. A stag stands next to them, carrying a shining cross in its antlers.
- always open (24/7)
- open to the public
- Can only be viewed from outside
- All weather
- Suitable for groups
- Suitable for schools
- Suitable for kids (0 - 14 Year)
- Suitable for kids (all ages)
- Suitable for pushchairs
- Pets allowed
Please get in touch for more information.
4091 Vichtenstein
Phone +43 7714 8055
Fax machine +43 7714 8055 - 31
E-Mail m.haderer@vichtenstein.ooe.gv.at
Web www.vichtenstein.at
Contact person
Gemeindeamt Vichtenstein
Vichtenstein 70
4091 Vichtenstein
Phone +43 7714 8055
Fax machine +43 7714 8055 - 31
E-Mail m.haderer@vichtenstein.ooe.gv.at
Web www.vichtenstein.at
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