Fornach, Oberösterreich, Österreich

The entrance to the "Kreuzerbauernmoos", a raised bog under nature protection, is located in the village of Doppelmühle (1 km south of Fornach).
This moor belongs to the neighbouring municipality of Pfaffing. The "Kreuzerbauernmoos" was purchased in 1992 by the Upper Austrian nature conservation youth organisation St. Georgen im Attergau and placed under nature protection.This is a 10.5 hectare "wilderness" on the edge of the Kobernaußerwald forest with bog pools, alder swamps and tree skeletons. The renaturalisation of the moor, which was acquired by the Upper Austrian Nature Conservation Youth in 1991, is being worked on with great vigour. The first plant rarities have already appeared.
The Upper Austrian Nature Conservation Youth is also responsible for its maintenance and organises guided tours through the typical raised bog vegetation by appointment.
Please get in touch for more information.
4892 Fornach
Phone +43 7682 55052
Fax machine +43 7682 55053
Contact person
Tourismusverband Fornach
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