Vornbach Bottleneck Nature Preserve
Wernstein am Inn, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- Suitable for groups
The Inn flows broad and mighty from the baroque town of Schärding until it has to squeeze into a gorge only a few metres wide at the former Benedictine monastery of Vornbach.
The scenic bottleneck at the Vornbach Benedicitine Abbey once was a feared passage to the River boatmen who had to navigate across this narrow gorge.Today, you can explore a place of wonder and discovery: Take in the area´s diverse mixture of gently rolling foothills, woodland and wetland, sprawling along the banks of the River Inn. This unique natural habitat area accommodates a varied flora and rare birds.
The stunning scenery is crisscrossed by a variety of walks and trails. What´s more, you can enjoy the awesome natural beauty of the area aboard a boat as well.
- always open (24/7)
- open to the public
- Suitable for groups
- Suitable for seniors
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
Please get in touch for more information.
4783 Wernstein am Inn
Phone +43 7713 6963
Fax machine +43 7713 6963
Contact person
Vornbacher Enge
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