Wansch OEG Mietwagen - Transporte
Unterweißenbach, Oberösterreich, Österreich

- All weather
Transport companies, car hire, car rental and taxi companies
By telephone arrangement.
Accessibility / arrival
Coming from Unterweißenbach, follow the main road towards Liebenau, after approx. 2.5 km turn right to Hackstock, follow the route for a further 1.5 km, turn right onto Güterweg Dauerbach, after approx. 1 km you will find the Wansch transport company on the right-hand side.
- All weather
Please get in touch for more information.
4273 Unterweißenbach
mobile +43 664 3528112
E-Mail office@mietwagen-wansch.at
Web www.unterweissenbach.at
Contact person
Mr Hermann Wansch
Dauerbach 25
4273 Unterweißenbach
Phone +43 7956 7292
mobile +43 664 3528112
E-Mail office@mietwagen-wansch.at
Web www.unterweissenbach.at
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