Bürgerservicestelle Scharnstein
Scharnstein, Oberösterreich, Österreich

We look forward to a visit from our guests in the citizen service office.
We offer the following service:
- Information
- Evidence of room
- Excursion possibilities
- Salzkammergut Card
- Guest honors and much more.
Closing day
- Saturday
- Sunday
- holiday
501 m
Parking- Parking space: 5
- Parking area for disabled: 1
- Bus parking space: 1
- Toilet facility
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Completely suitable for wheelchairs. The object complies with the legally stipulated ÖNORM.
- ground level accessible
other information
- path width (min. 150 cm)
- door width (min. 80 cm)
- handicapped accessible lift
- lift door access area with 150 cm depth
- lift size (cabin width > 110cm, depth >140cm
- Entrance to the building
- Toilet facility for disabled people
- Outside area
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 7615 2255
Fax machine +43 7615 225530
E-Mail info@scharnstein.ooe.gv.at
Web www.almtal.at
Contact person
Irene Deinhardt
Bürgerservicestelle Scharnstein
Hauptstraße 13
4644 Scharnstein
Phone +43 7615 2255
Fax machine +43 7615 225530
E-Mail info@scharnstein.ooe.gv.at
Web www.almtal.at
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