Kaffee- und Kakaorösterei Kurt Traxl
Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Our coffee shop is located at the Südbahnhofmarkt in Linz.
Here you can purchase various roasts and "mild" coffee preparation methods such as the Karlsbader Kanne, mocha pot, French press or even Hario filter and Chemex.
Tue-Fri 8 am-1 pm; Sat 7 am-1 pm
Closing day
- Monday
- Sunday
- holiday
menu / Fremdsprachen
- German
Payment methods
Other payment methods
Cash payment
- 3 coffee cups / 91 Points
Please get in touch for more information.
4020 Linz
mobile +43 664 5119581
E-Mail zentrale@biokaffeeroesterei.at
Web www.biokaffeerösterei.at/
Contact person
Mr Kurt Traxl
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