Wok'n Grill
Leonding, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- pets allowed
- Garden / Patio
- Vegetarian
Wok'n Grill is the largest Asian restaurant in Upper Austria.
- opened daily
- Dinner after 10 p.m.
- Self-service
Food types
- International
- Vegetarian
Local dishes
- Chinese
- Japanese
Room information
- Indoor: 250 Number of seats
- Garden / Patio: 40 Number of seats
- tap room: 60 Number of seats
- Garden / Patio
- Smoking room
- Children's corner (indoors)
- W-Lan
- Parking space: 50
- Suitable for groups
- Pets allowed
- Suitable for single travelers
- Suitable for friends
- Suitable for couples
- Suitable for children
Please get in touch for more information.
other information
- Toilet facility for disabled people in the restaurant area
4060 Leonding
Phone +43 732 942068
E-Mail sinowok@gmail.com
Web www.wok-grill.at
Contact person
Mr Xiao Chen
Legal contact information
Vertretungsverhältnisse:SINO WOK GmbH
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