Mörphy´s Pub
Wolfsegg am Hausruck, Oberösterreich, Österreich
- Garden / Patio
- Vegetarian
From cosy get-togethers with wonderful national beer specialities to beery & shot-filled party nights, Mörphy's is a pub for people of all ages, where not only various drinks but also delicious snacks await you
Closing day
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Sunday
- holiday
Food types
- International
- Vegetarian
menu / Fremdsprachen
- German
Room information
- Indoor: 25 Number of seats
- Garden / Patio: 35 Number of seats
- Garden / Patio
- Toilet facility
- Darts
- W-Lan
Payment methods
Other payment methods
Cash payment
- All weather
- Suitable for groups
- Suitable for single travelers
- Suitable for friends
- Suitable for couples
- Spring
- Summer
- Autumn
- Winter
Not suitable for wheelchairs. The property is not compliant with Austria's ÖNORM legal standard.
- ground level accessible
other information
- door width (min. 80 cm)
- Entrance to the building
- Terrace / balcony
- AMA Genuss Region quality seal
4902 Wolfsegg am Hausruck
Phone +43 7676 7342
Fax machine +43 7676 73424
E-Mail office@brandlhof.biz
Web www.brandlhof.biz/
Contact person
Family Alfred und Helga Morth
Marktplatz 2
4902 Wolfsegg am Hausruck
Phone +43 7676 7342
Fax machine +43 7676 73424
E-Mail office@brandlhof.biz
Web www.brandlhof.biz/index.php
Legal contact information
Mörphy´s PubMarktplatz 2
AT-4902 Wolfsegg am Hausruck
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