Leonardo Workshop
Bridges, Wheels & Geometric Cupolas!
Leonardo da Vinci inspired Ferdinand Redtenbacher, founder of Steyr's modern scientific machine engineering industry.
Leonardo still fascinates - take part in the mobile Leonardo Workshop and feel the fascination both during the introduction in the small mobile exhibition and when we build a Leonardo bridge, a Leonardo wheel or a geometric cupola construction together.
Mobile Leonardo Pavilion with pictures, stories and more than 25 reconstructed models based on Leonardo da Vinci’s sketches.
Building of a Leonardo bridge, a Leonardo wheel or geometric cupola constructions
Miniature of a Leonardo bridge to take home and reassemble, size approx. 15 cm
up to 100 people
maximally 4 large bridges can be built at the same time, 25 participants per bridge
wheel and cupola constructions upon request.
- group offer (suitable for groups)
- package without accommodation
- duration: 1,00 hour
see prices!
for groups by appointment!
From | to | |
01.01.2024, | to | 01.01.2025 |
1 bridge hands-on, max. 25 people, approx. 1 hour € 150, -
Building 2 bridges, max. 50 people, approx. 1 hour € 300, -
3 bridges or more on request
Combination with Leonardo Pavilion and a small exhibition
(some models), Leonardo Rad, etc. on request
Mini bridge to take away and build (retail price end customer) € 10, -
Graduated price from 25 models on request
Company name / logo on wooden part or fabric bag on request
(bitte einige Wochen Vorlaufzeit einrechnen, das die Mini Brücken Modelle handgefertigt werden.)
Unterprambach 7
4731 Prambachkirchen
mobile +43 660 733620
E-Mail franz@wieser.at
Web www.leonardowerkstatt.at/