Outdoor Challenge

Kirchschlag bei Linz, Oberösterreich, Österreich

Water - lifeline in Kirchschlag

It's all about knowledge and searching. And above all, lots of fun!
It's also a fight against time. And it's not as easy as it seems!
You have to solve tasks on 10 topics as a team and find your own way outdoors - without signposts, without a sat nav and, above all, without a mobile phone. Can you score the maximum 100 points?

About the game.
It's about knowledge and searching. And above all, lots of fun! It's also a battle against time. And it's not as easy as it seems!

How does the game work?
You solve tasks on 10 topics as a team and make your way through the town - without signposts, without a sat nav and, above all, without a mobile phone.
All you have is the Outdoor Challenge game plan to guide you:
- on one side, a map and the tasks with which you collect points
- on the other side, basic information on all 10 topics that are helpful during the game.

What's special about the Outdoor Challenge?
You don't need any technical aids, mobile phones and the like are taboo. You are only out and about outdoors: the map will help you find your way, but you have to find the places where there are tasks to solve yourself.
There are four roles to play in the team: Pathfinder, Knowledge broker, Questioner and Photographer. If there are more of you, you can also assign these roles twice.
The Outdoor Challenge is a game that also allows you to get an idea of Kirchschlag.

Are you looking for a special challenge?
Then take on the extra tasks for experienced outdoor challengers. See if you can manage that too! Everyone else is better off skipping these questions, they are really difficult and you won't get any points for them anyway.

Are you Outdoor Challenge Heroes?
After the game, you can redeem your vouchers from the game sheet and exchange them for a well-earned Outdoor Challenge drink at a catering establishment in Kirchschlag. There you will also receive the solution card to compare your answers and find out how many of the maximum 100 points you have achieved.

The Outdoor Challenge is open to schoolchildren aged 6 and over (if accompanied).
Group size 2 to 8 people
Bookable all year round (all outdoors).

  • group offer (suitable for groups)
  • package without accommodation
  • duration: 2,00 hours

Outdoor Challenge Bag
4 game sheets incl. drink vouchers
One water bottle (for the course of the game)

Polaroid film with 10 photos
Polaroid camera (on loan)

from price
  • € 39,00 per family/group
  • bookable from 2 Persons
Travel period (08.02.2024 - 31.12.2028)
From to
08.02.2024, to 31.12.2028

non-binding inquiry

Basic set (incl. 4 drinks vouchers) €39
Each additional peson (incl. voucher) €5

Polaroid film with 10 photos 15 €
Polaroid camera deposit 90 €


Outdoor Challenge
Municipal office Kirchschlag
Kirchschlag 44
4202 Kirchschlag bei Linz

Phone +43 7215 2285-0
E-Mail sigridprammer.gr@gmail.com
Web www.kirchschlag.net

Legal contact information

Gemeindeamt Kirchschlag
Kirchschlag 44
AT-4202 Kirchschlag bei Linz

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